Donkey meat more nutritious than chicken, experts

27 May 2014

Health officials in Kenya have now established that donkey meat has more proteins than chicken in addition to vital amino acids that the body needs for improved well-being and function.

Salim Abdillahi, a veterinary officer from the department of livestock in the Ministry of Agriculture, stated that donkey meat was as good as beef or mutton if the animal was properly slaughtered. He however denied claims that a donkey abattoir had been erected in Naivasha saying that certain conditions had to be met before such a venture could be accomplished.

Salim's department has also revealed that they is preparing a policy for the proper consumption of donkey which they approve to be nutritious as well as sumptuous. The policy, he says would enable people to eat the meat knowingly and willingly.

Once the policy is finalised, the ministry says Kenyans should be ready for burgers, donkey hot sandwiches, sausages and donkey milk tea among other delicacies.

There are currently more than 40 million donkeys in the world with Kenya having 1.8 million donkeys according to statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture. China leads in the population of donkeys with 11 million of them.

Dr Julius Kariuki, a veterinary officer in Nairobi, says donkeys can contribute to Kenya's economic growth and well-being of citizens.He also urged people to change their attitudes towards donkeys saying that they had formed donkey clubs in schools to assist in appreciation of the animals.

On the policy,  Dr Kariuki explained that it would require donkey meat to be coded in butcheries once the animal has been slaughtered properly and the meat inspected and confirmed Salim's assertion that no donkey slaughter house had been put up in Naivasha, saying the specifications they found showed that it was a cattle slaughter house.
The two were speaking during last weeks national day for donkey at Muhuri Muchiri stadium in Ruai near Nairobi where several animals were examined and treated for various diseases for free. The event was funded by Brooke East Africa’s Heshimu Punda project, which is implemented by the Kenya Network for Dissemination of Agricultural Technologies. More than 200 donkeys were de-wormed and their hooves trimmed.

Nutritionists present said donkey meat tasted best when slow-cooked. Citing China where donkey meat is cooked for eight to 24 hours to make it tasty.Slow cooking is believed to not only add flavour to the meat but also help in retaining the colour and tenderness.