100,000 Kenyans infected with HIV yearly - reports

25 Jun 2014

More than 100,000 people are infected with HIV every year in Kenya according to statistics released this morning.

Close to 192,000 teenagers and young adults of between 15 to 20 years have the virus.

The 2012 Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey (KAIS) released at the Panafric Hotel also shows that more than 6,000 teachers and 242,000 children under the age of 14 years are infected with the virus.

During the launch Health Cabinet Secretary, James Macharia, said that he does not support the Bill that seeks to give children  of above 10 years with contraceptives despite the fact 242,000 children are infected with the virus.

“Ministry of Health will promote the use of condom to reduce infections. But not in schools,” he said.

Macharia called on the public to join hands with all players' to reduce the high HIV prevalence rate that is currently standing at 5.6 per cent down from 7.2 percent.

“HIV cannot be won by one party alone; we must work together and combat its spread by putting in place measures that will further lower the prevalence,” he said.

Despite the positive attributes being witnessed, Kenya has been ranked among the four nations worldwide that has recorded the highest annual prevalence rate.

The CS regretted the low usage of condoms especially among men an attitude he said had continued to contribute to high annual infection rate.

Among those that attended the event was US Ambassador Robert Godec who pledged a sum of 42 billion shilling from his government that will support HIV and AIDS initiatives through, Antiretroviral therapies and prevention of mother to child transmission amongst others.

Over 90 percent of HIV and AIDS initiatives are being funded by donor countries , with US agencies accounting for most of the support.

The Star