Interior Cabinet Secretary, Ole Lenku has warned CORD against planned rallies saying that they would be responsible for any chaos that may breakout during such meetings. The cabinet secretary also said that the government would only provide minimal security during the rallies and would not divert the limited police services from state duties.
“The Government will hold the organizers personally liable if the rallies turn out chaotic leading to lose of lives and property,” he said in a media statement through his Director of Communications, Mwenda Njoka.
CORD leaders are currently going round the country collecting public views and opinions ahead of a grand rally slated for Saba saba day on July 7th in Nairobi.
The first rally in the series was held yesterday in Migori Stadium where representatives of civil societies, youth, women, people with disability, clergy, business people and professionals had a chance to air their grievances before CORD principals addressed the meeting.
Raila said their call for a national dialogue was vested in the constitution.
“The constitution gives Kenyans power to shape the destiny of their country and this power can be used to help steer the country to the right direction through a national dialogue,” Raila said.
His sentiments were echoed by Moses Wetang'ula who said that they would only put a hold to the national rallies and a Saba Saba demonstration against the government if a dialogue alternative was accented to.
“We seek to know how the country can move together as one when others feel left out while they have their constitutional right to shape the country,” Wetangula said.
This weekend the team will be at Mombasa's Tononoka grounds for yet another rally.
Kenyatta's administration has been charged with ineptitude and perpetrating corruption and tribalism among other ills. The accusations arise after the administration took up power in a highly irregular and controversial election process believed to have been engineered by corrupt cartels deeply engaged in the running of Kenyan governments and theft of public resources.
ALSO READ: Kenyans urged to stay away from work as Saba Saba day is declared a public holiday