Confessions of a married couple

20 Sept 2014

A woman prepared some vegetable soup for herself and her husband, Kip. When they were just about to eat....

KIP: Where did you get the vegetables from?

WIFE: I got it from Mr. Musambati's garden.

KIP: What?! From that witch?! How do I know that he didn't poison the vegetables?

WIFE: I have an idea. (Gives some food to their dog. After some time, the dog goes out)

WIFE: See? The food isn't poisoned.

KIP: Oh, OK. Let's eat then.

(After they finish eating, the housemaid comes in crying)

WIFE: What happened?

MAID: The dog is dead!

KIP: What? The food is poisoned!

KIP: (Feeling sober and guilt-filled on imagining he's going to die in a couple of minutes) I need to make a confession!

WIFE: What?

KIP: When you aren't at home, the maid and I do have sex in my room.

WIFE: (Feeling angry but immediately realising it's futile) I forgive you. I too have a confession to make. Promise to forgive me too.

KIP: It's OK.

WIFE: The children aren't yours. They are our gateman's.

(The drunken gateman comes in)

Gateman: Sir! The man who killed the dog is outside. He said he wants to apologise for killing the dog.

What do you think happened next?