How they fixed Ruto to the ICC - VIDEO

8 Oct 2015

A video has emerged of President Uhuru, then a top pro-PNU backer, swearing that those who killed their people in Rift Valley will face justice.

This video is part of what ODM operatives are terming as evidence (alleged) that Uhuru may have fixed DP Ruto at the ICC.

In the Video a bitter Uhuru is captured promising his Kikuyu tribe that those who killed people in Rift Valley (Molo, Burnt Forest, Kiamba etc) will be brought to justice….(justice includes ICC)

Uhuru even repeats the same vow and swears (in God’s name) in three languages; Kikuyu, Swahili and in English that those who killed and chased a way ‘our’ people (read Kikuyu) from their land must be brought to justice.

In the Video, Uhuru told the marauding gang that the ‘KILLERS’/perpetrators of PEV were known and that with fullness of time they will be paraded before the whole world to see (indeed Ruto and Sang cases have been covered by global media).

During the pre-trial of Uhuru and Muthaura it was revealed that at the time was Uhuru was addressing the marauding gang seen on the video, a meeting at Statehouse had resolved that election loser Mwai Kibaki will hold onto power/presidency no matter how many people were to be killed and that PNU operatives will collaborate with the Police, Intelligence Agencies and ‘Mungiki’ to ensure this happens.

Later, they sent a team of police and intelligence to gather/cook evidence that was used to FIX ODM Pentagon member Hon William Ruto and other senior politicians from Rift Valley (including Hon Henry Kosgei, Hon Kipkalia Kones (RIP), Lorna Laboso (RIP), Jackson Kibor and Joshua Arap Sang, then a popular radio presenter of KASS FM, a Kalenjin vernacular station.

Do you remember a fake senior police officer who operated at the rank of Rft Valley Provincial police operations boss cop Waiganjo? well, it is now alleged that he was among those used to cook evidence against Ruto.

The Statehouse meeting where the plan to FIX Hon Ruto and other Kalenjin Politicians was also revealed at the ICC by the prosecutor during the pretrial hearings of Uhuru and Muthaura cases. It is a big fallacy that now Ruto can turn a round and hire Kuria to spread lies to hoodwink his fellow tribesmen with lies that Raila fixed him.

It is alleged that Kuria has secured lucrative tenders courtesy of DP Ruto among them supply of medical equipments to the biggest hospital in Rift Valley.

Via - Kenya Today

Jubilee in the new ICC drive of lies and selective amnesia - by Raila Odinga