KCPE and KCSE leaked questions!
17 May 2013
Wiper,ODM Kenya…Wiper.. Raila huku, Kibaki kule alafu nitapita katikati yao..Wiper..ti hi hi hi hi
A. Nani alinena maneno haya? (2mks)
B.Nani alifaulu kupita katikati ya wenzake? (2mks)
C.Kucheka kwa msemaji kunatokanana na ulevi ama kuchizi?(2 mks)
1.Mpanda gazi hushuka!
a. nini kinasababisha ashuke?
b. Huyu mpanda gazi amekosakazi?
c.Kwa maneno chini ya 20 eleza vile unamuelewa huyu mpanda gazi! (20mks)
2. Ukizingatia tamthilia ya “TAFAKARI YA BABU” kama ilivyo andikwa naye SWALEH MDOE, jibu maswali yafuatayo:
a. Kwani mwandishi hana nyanya?
b. Kama anaye, mbona asitafakari ya nyanya angalau siku moja?
c. Si babu ya mwandishi ni mwongo sana?
1.11 men from Manchester can demolish Arsenal 8 times in 90 mins without being favoured by the referee; calculate how much Messi from Barcelona alone can demolish Arsenal in the same time. Use formulae (1 Man U=3 Messis) (5MKS)
2. A G4S van loaded with 25million shillings leaves equity bank Moi Avenue heading to equity Tom mboya street a distance of less than a kilometer;
(a) show cause why the van was found in KABETE?
(b) calculate how much money was left behind ?
(c) why didn’t the bank hire a bodaboda to carry the money
(d)if the driver was mutuku what would he buy first assuming he got his share of the loot?
2. If Pifwoli Wakoli has 3White palls(read balls), 2 kreen palls and 4 plue balls in a pascket;
(a) What is the propapility of him picking a Mango?
(b) If Kalonzo was to pick a colour of his choice, how long would he take to decide?
(c) Using answers A and B above, what is the likeliest comment that Kibaki would make upon hearing this? (25MRKS)
HAGUE in full is,
Henry Kosgey
Arap Sang
General Hussein Ali
Uhuru Kenyatta
Eldoret East MP William Rutto.
A)find the missing value to make ocampo six.
B)use a protractor and pencil on to draw and show how Ruto jumped to conclusion and went to Hague.
C)draw and paint arap sang’s face into a saint. (10MKS)
The following conversation takes place at Koinange Street at around 8:00 in the evening
CUSTOMER : Unauzaje?
SELLER : Inategemea.
SELLER : Unakulia hapa ama utafungiwa….
Q1. What is the customer buying.
Q2. Do you think it is cheaper to eat there, or take away
(17 Marks)
1. “Kimunya must go”..
A. Who said these words?
B. Where is Kimunya going?
C. The speaker seems angry… explain using a labeled diagram.
D. What would have the speaker said had he not said this?
(4.99 Marks)
2. “… The thugs opened fire and my boys returned fire …”
a. Who closed the fire in the first place
b. Why did the boys return a gift given so generously
(4 grenades)
1. The following was a poem by PLO Lumumba
“…In Kenya’s job market, it’s about the technical know WHO, it’s not about technical know HOW…..”
a) Why didn’t he make it to the national drama festival finals?
b) How many wrinkles were on Lumumba’s forehead as he said the last line?
c) Explain the role of the poem in fighting corruption..
D) Why did he use plain English in this poem instead of his popular jargon?(20 marks)
Since we always talk of “the HORN of Africa”,
a)what animal is Africa.
b) How long is the horn
c)Who performed de-horning on the other horn
(3 marks)
1. Do you think there is a “NO SMOKIN” sign in Mr. SMOKIN WANJALA’s office?
(0.5 marks)
2. “…this is green, this is green, hata ile red ni green…”
From the above extract, is it safe to say Peter Marangi is COLOR BLIND?
(2 green paints)
3. The number of ladies is larger than that of men. If 90% of the ladies prayed for by PASTOR OJGBANI at Nyayo Stadium actually get men, Calculate the probability that the Pastor has succeeded in creating more MPANGO wa KANDOs.(10MKS)
TRUE or FALSE? The green color on the Kenyan flag represents M-PESA.
(2 Bonga points).
“Some public officer have exhibited questionable behavior”. With this in mind answer the following questions.
i) Why does MIGUNA MIGUNA use the same name twice?
ii) Do you think a commission of inquiry should be formed to investigate his name?
(5 marks)
Bearing in mind that you are Kenyan, what do you do when you see a fallen oil tanker?
A) Run away and come back with a jerrycan
B) Call your family to make some quick money
C) Steal the battery
D) Light a cigarette
( 20mrks )
This is what all petrol tankers will be labeled in order to keep guys from harvesting oil when they roll. Do you support the move?
(10 Marks)
You have been provided with a lorry.
1. Show that you can make a VITZ from the lorry without reducing the lorry at all.
2.Now use the Vitz to make a tuktuk.
(5 mrks)
- Raila speaks out on recent assassination claims
- Odhis' missing wallet in the matatu
- Meet Ngozi, the dreaded gangster who was hired to terrorize Eastleigh
- President Uhuru asked to earn his respect
- Chapter closes on author - Betrayal in the city
- Shops close as university students take to the streets
- Nyeri ladies relationship constitution (REVISED EDITION 2015)
- Ages of torture and alienation by government root of Lamu unrest
- Raila woos German investors for counties in his tour of Germany
- Pasionate pleas to serikali