Nairobi launches web portal to monitor traffic data

28 Jan 2014

The Nairobi County government has launched a web portal to help collect data on traffic flow and congestion in the city. This is aimed at helping planners develop a better management system.

The digital transit map,, was developed by scholars from the University of Nairobi in partnership with Columbia University.

Dubbed the Digital Matatu Project, the crowd sourcing initiative will allow residents of Nairobi to share their daily experiences and views on traffic flow. This data will in turn help the county government to device and implement new transport policies.

While launching the platform, Transport Principal Secretary Nduva Muli challenged the county government to enforce all city by-laws to bring sanity on the roads.

The Public Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works County Executive Evans Ondieki said with a good flow of traffic, the city will attract more investors.

On Monday, Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero formed an eight-member committee that will come up with measures to decongest the city.

The committee will collect views in 60 days after which it will present an interim report to the Governor for approval.

He said that upon receiving the report, they will also establish a pedestrian framework on Nairobi roads.