Police ‘helped youths loot from poll victims’

30 Jan 2014

Police officers based in Nandi Hills helped looters break into shops belonging to members of the Kikuyu community at the onset of the 2007 post-election violence, ICC judges were told on Wednesday.

Prosecution witness P0128 said the police officers worked with a group of Kalenjin men to loot the shops.

The witness, who was allowed to give his testimony in Kiswahili, also described how a “head of police” who was present at Nandi Hills was shot with an arrow and killed around the District Commissioner’s office.

He accused former police officer Samson Cheramboss of urging the Kalenjin to vote for Orange Democratic Movement at political rallies held in the town before the day of elections.

The rallies were held at Kobujoi and Koyo in Nandi Hills, where Mr Ruto allegedly addressed a gathering.

“Mr Cheramboss talked about two tribes — the Luhya and Kikuyu — and said that if ODM was to win the election Kalenjins would be free to do what they wanted and take away land owned by the Kikuyu,” he said.

Victims’ lawyer Wilfred Nderitu also cross-examined the witness.

“He also asked the Kalenjins to vote en-masse for ODM so they could see results that would be brought about by the ODM government,” he added.

The tenth prosecution witness also said Mr Cheramboss was passing a message from Mr Ruto to the crowd who attended the rallies with other political leaders including former Aldai MP Sally Kosgey.

The Victims lawyer Wilfred Nderitu also examined the witness. The Prosecution witness P0128 began giving his evidence yesterday by describing how the police colluded with the group violent men to destroy property.

Adapted from Daily Nation