Raila says he won't apologize over military claim

10 Feb 2014

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has said he will not apologise over claims he made that the military was involved in rigging elections.

According to Mr Odinga, he never made such claims while speaking at a rally in Kisumu last month.

“I spoke in vernacular and in parables. What was reported was terrible because I did no say that. The intelligence know what I said,” he told the Nation in an interview at the weekend.

The Cord leader said he was responding to youthful politicians from Luo Nyanza who have been pushing for the removal of the old crop from party leadership, blaming them for mismanagement of the March election.

“Nobody can be blamed for failure to prevent rigging. I said that our agents were frogmarched out of the Bomas tallying centre in military fashion. I said that what happened in Bomas can be likened to a military coup,” said Mr Odinga.

The electoral commission and Jubilee have demanded an apology from the ODM leader over the claim. According to Mr Odinga who challenged the presidential election results at the Supreme Court, a decision had been made that the Jubilee Coalition must win in the first round.

“The rejected votes were the stamped ballots which the computer was not recognising. They needed a way to re-introduce the votes and we insisted on verification."

ODM sent a team to oversee the verification but it was kicked out.

“The commission stopped the verification when it was established that 15 constituencies had recorded over 140 per cent voter turnout,” he said.

Daily Nation