App that can help students cheat has recieved over 5m downloads

15 Jul 2014

In an exam room, it’s called ‘cheating/dubbing’ but in the tech world it is ‘crowdsourcing’.

Baidu, one of China’s internet giants, has created and app that helps students get answers for their assignments from different virtual sources. ‘Homework Helper’ has been downloaded 5 million times from Android and IOS app stores.

Users send out questions to an online forum either by typing or taking a photo of the question. There is plenty of motivation for helping other users as you get virtual e-coins which you can redeem later for gadgets like iPhones, Lenovo laptops or photo frames.

Some parents are not too enthusiastic about the app but seeing how students have to spend up to 3 hours every night doing assignments; it is understandable why the app has become popular.