Kenya does not really need a referendum, we need a change of leadership

21 Aug 2014

Nearly all current political discussions in Kenya are revolving around the proposed referendum being championed for by the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy and the County Governors among other groups.

The sole purpose of the referendum, so they say, is to amend the constitution by popular initiative.

Our current constitution was promulgated just a few years back and attempts to introduce amendments are immature, mainly because we have not really seen the constitution work and enjoyed its benefits.

Problems bedeviling Jubilee and our country are not the creation of the constitution, but rather, a consequence of not upholding it.

The suffering of Kenyans is as a result of inept and corrupt Jubilee, and TNA leadership. A leadership not keen on implementing the constitution or serving the people.

When Kenyans accepted to have Jubilee take over the government, they must have been blind to the fact that Uhuru Kenyatta did not believe in the constitution in the first place. If anything, he campaigned openly against it. What guarantee did we have that he would implement it?

Kenyans may vote unanimously for a constitutional change, but implementation still lies with Uhuru's government and sponsors.

Kenya needs a complete overhaul of the leadership and policy. We need leaders who are focused on governing for prosperity and not for self-preservation as we see now.

When campaigning for presidency, Uhuru and his deputy were not interested in governing Kenya for prosperity. They were more intent on protecting themselves against the ICC cases among a horde of other selfish interests.

Jubilee has betrayed itself further by suggesting that they would have a referendum to cap the age limit for presidency at 65. This is an attempt to lock out Raila from running for president. It appears Raila is the only one who can effectively stop Jubilee thieves, and they fear him.

Jubilee is not committed to making devolution and the constitution work. Constitutional amendments would change that.

If Kenya really needs progress, we should have a total overhaul of the leadership and send the entire Jubilee team home.