Kenya Defense Forces twitter accounts hacked

21 Jul 2014

The official twitter account of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) and that of its liason officer Maj Emmanuel Chirchir were hacked on Monday.

The accounts appear to have been compromised at around midnight with an @Anon_0x03 taking credit for the breach.

Major Chirchir’s account, @MajorEChirchir was used to tweet to President Uhuru Kenyatta, “Hey @UKenyatta give me the weed!” at around 8.52am.

While the official KDF account @kdfinfo sent out the tweet, “So much poverty in Africa while you are wasting money in guns.”

This is not the first time government communications have been hacked with the Ministry of Transport website hacked on March 5.

In 2012 more than 100 Kenyan government websites were allegedly hacked by an Indonesian hacker.