Twitter messages posted by KDF account after it was allegedly hacked

21 Jul 2014

After taking control of the Kenya Defense Forces twitter account, supposedly tech savvy individuals who are still unknown have been churning out tweets condemning social injustices and insecurity in the Kenya.

The hackers have called for immediate resignation of the Interior Cabinet Secretary and Inspector General of Police David Kimaiyo while also questioning the president's statement that the county was secure.

They have also spoken out against poaching, tribal government appointments and protection of drug barons, the high cost of living and runaway corruption demanding the refund of payments made out by the government in relation to the Anglo-leasing scandal.

Below are a number of tweets obtained from the compromised KDF account (@kdfinfo):

We are marching into an new era in KE. Where citizens have a voice & their interests come first.

The citizens of Kenya are the govt. GoK should respect the rights of all, not just a privileged few. Elitists time to quit.

#Kamani family you have stolen enough from Kenyans. Their money should be sent back from Switzerland, tomorrow. Pap!

@richardbranson blasts the UK  govt bc he owns a tourist camp in Kenya. Would he do the same if he was not an investor?

To the human traffickers using KE as their base. We know who you are & you will soon be in the news. #StopTrafficking now!

Is #Kenya safe? Depends who you ask. Mama Mboga & Wanjiku pay with their lives. The elite in Kenya are protected with tax payers money.

All of you who have stolen from #Kenya , we are coming after you. Whether you are Kenyan or not. A thief is a thief! No matter your position.

Account hacked by the people for the people. And the people go:

Our new follower rate just increased by 1000%. That alone says something.

#Revolution is what KE needs. A revolution of minds & attitude. Do you want #change ?

A govt that sleeps on the job cannot protect you... You have to  protect yourself! #KOT

#costofliving does not affect the rich. Only the poor.

#DrugBarons are known yet #GoK  do nothing. More innocent Kenyans are killed by drugs than terror.

#GoK know who the #terrorists, #poachers & #traffickers are. Yet they do NOTHING...

Corruption, tribalism & impunity are destroying KE. We should never have elected two criminals.

President @UKenyatta says KE safe. Then he buys a heavily armored vehicle. All for one & one for all !

#cartels run Kenya. #sugar,#insecurityKE , #corruptionKE, #ivorytraffickingKE, #rhinopoachingKE

#Anglo -leasing money needs to be returned to Kenyans. It's their tax money. Not the thieves who stole it.

#nextstop #ICC prison

Dear @UKenyatta By popular demand, the people have requested that u PISS OFF!

#Tribal #insecurityKE #impunityKE @joelenku & @IGkimaiyo need to retire... Now...

#Tribalism will destroy #Kenya. Not terrorists.

#Tribal appointments by GoK destroy KE. Political parties are myths. Kenyans Unite!

We are #Anonymous . We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. #ExpectUs

Quit your god damn poaching in #Kenya #OpFunKill The Animals Will Fight Back !

While @MajorEChirchir tweeted: Hey @UKenyatta  give me the weed!


Kenya Defense Forces twitter accounts hacked