Man jailed 16 years for raping 86 year old woman

28 Aug 2014

A 22-year old man in Baringo County has been jailed for 16 years after he pleaded guilty to charges of sexually assaulting an 86-year-old woman.

Kiplagat Kiplimo from Kabasis location told the court that on the night of August 25, 2014 he broke into the woman's house and threatened her using a knife before sexually assaulting her. Kiplimo also reportedly caused the woman serious body harm after she resisted his sexual advances.

The woman, who lives alone in a small hut, was said to be asleep during the break-in. She said the neighbours, who frog-marched the accused to Kabarnet police station, came to help after she screamed for help.

Kabarnet Resident Magistrate Emily Kigen ordered that Kiplimo be jailed for 16 years after a medical check found that he was mentally fit to stand trial.

Records indicate that the same court has so far heard 56 similar cases with most of the accused persons landing life sentences.