The different types of Kenyans you will find in Whatsapp groups

25 Feb 2015

1. THE PARROT: Always online, never misses to comment, always starts conversations.

2. THE MEDIA MANIAC: Always sending pics and videos, you wonder whether he/she uses a 64GB memory card.

3. THE SILENT SPY: Silent, online but rarely comments on posts. Wen you mention him/her, he/she answers you asap.

4. THE SENSITIVE: Always takes comments personally, jumps on u and gets mad about them.

5. THE MOUSE: Always in and out of the group for no reason, like a mouse.

6. THE BEGGAR: Always in need of bundles & other favours. Please buy your bundles too.

7. THE COMPLAINER: Ever complaining, dislikes offensive pics, long videos, and some comments

8.THE PREFECT: Points out mistakes, always inboxing the admin

9. THE STUBBORN: The only job he does is changing icon and group name.

10. THE DEFENDER: Protects others, speaks for those who cant speak for themselves. Mostly the admin.

11. THE ATTENTION SEEKER: Drama queen/king, out to get noticed, posts his pics without anyone requesting.

12. THE GOSSIP NEIGHBOUR: Always comes to your inbox to discuss what is happening in the group.

13. THE STORYTELLER: Posts long posts and when no one comments he/she re-posts again, and again!

14. THE GREEN EYES: Ever full of 'beef'. Everytime looking for loopholes to start arguments. He/she never looses arguments.

15. THE COOL GUY: Very nice , friendly , freely chats, understanding and problem solver. Likeable by most members and even the group admin.

16. TEAM MAFISI: The guy who's hitting on every chic in the group and will always inbox them suggesting a meetup.