If a WOMAN was to match her MAN with a bank, what BANK name would she choose?
MEN who play hard to get: CHASE BANK
MEN who date both Women and girls: EQUITY BANK
MEN who date married women: FAMILY BANK
MEN who are friendly to everyone: RAFIKI MICROFINANCE
MEN who date everyone: WORLD BANK
MEN who are too tiny: SME MICROFINANCE
MEN who take too long to give in: FAULU KENYA
MEN who are obsessed with africans: BANK OF AFRICA
MEN who only date a certain class of women: STANDARD CHATTERED BANK
MEN who love their families too much: JAMII BORA BANK
MEN who just can't shut up:ECO BANK
MEN who keep making post-dated promises:POST BANK
MEN who follow you everywhere you go: K-REP BANK
MEN who are valuable and trust worthy: DIAMOND TRUST BANK
MEN who co-operate: CO-OPERATIVE BANK
MENwho are always in the bar drinking: BAR-CLAYS BANK
MEN who are always borrowing money: CREDIT BANK
MEN who date ladies from every tribe: NATIONAL BANK
Men who are tooooo stingy NIC bank Na wale wako hapo tu kati kati: CENTRAL BANK
Ladies only - match your man to a bank
26 Oct 2015
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