I LOVE THE WAY WE RESPOND TO EMERGENCIES: Look at the guys , they are on their way to put out a fire at an international airport where thousands of lives are risk, where there are planes and vehicles not forgetting the highly flammable jet fuel! Is that not another disaster of its own? Yet we want to spend 2.5B on mugithi dance in the name of 50 years of (in)dependence celebration. And we want to build a 50M bronze statue for a person who already looks like a statue anyway. And we want to spend 118M for William Ruto's sycophants and bystanders accompanying him on his personal trip to Holland.
I like the way we respond to high risk events. I like the way we remain uncoordinated and confused in our emergency response systems. We have had several incidences in the past but haven't learnt a thing yet. We have no blue print on disaster management and if there is, it's gathering dust on government shelves.
We only politic from day one in office to the last day we rig another of our tribesman to take over. We concentrate on who should retire from politics and or who to finish politically and or who should use what VIP lounge and or who should return what cars and or which tribe should never be president and or which ethnic group should be profiled in government institutions etc at the expense of service delivery to wananchi to which governments are elected.
Question; Should fire fighting and other emergency response and evacuations be privatized in our major cities? The government, whether devolved or not have terribly failed in this area and private entities including G4S (whose headquarters are in the UK) and UK is in the WEST not EAST, emerge the better performers during such emergencies. Digital reloaded, right?
And before it skips me, did you notice that the picture caption indicates the guys are rushing?
- Stupid questions, well answered
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