ODM is not a Luo party, says Raila

31 Jan 2014

ODM leader Raila Odinga has declared that the opposition party was not only for the Luo community.

Speaking in Siaya where he was unveiling tractors to be used for large scale farming, the former Prime Minister said the party’s performance in the last General Election — in which it won more than half of the 47 governor’s seats — was an indication of its national outlook.

“This party does not belong to Nyanza, Coast, Western or any other region as some would want it to appear.”

Legislators led by Kisumu central MP Ken Obura had insisted that the party had its grassroots in the Luo community and therefore deserved to hold the key positions.

The party will spend about Sh30 million to assemble about 6,300 delegates for its National Delegates Convention next month.

Executive director, Magerer Langat said yesterday that the headquarters had worked on a lean budget.

Adapted from Daily Nation