Me thinks, Teacher Wanjiku's new show sucks

22 Feb 2014

I rarely watch the telly. I’m the kind that prefers some cool movies, computer games and readable stuff.

I don’t know why but I don’t really like our local TV stations. Could be because of the horrible programming, plain boring programs or maybe it’s just me.

Yesterday was an exception. I actually found myself sitting in front of the screen. Watching Citizen. Now I like Citizen TV and I have nothing against them. Except yesterday’s Teacher Wanjiku’s show of course. It’s a total thumbs down.

Aren’t there any more creative programs to air or are they just intending to cash in on Teacher Wanjiku’s perceived popularity.

I did clear my throat in preparation for some real nice laugh. The lady can be funny when she wants to. I was pretty much disappointed. Yesterday was different. She was so serious, the students, not good enough for comedy.

I think the teacher would just do better teaching bills and billy-goats. I also suggest that she gets back to Churchil Show. At least we have some funny students there. Students who fancy a good laugh such as me.

Anyone share my opinion?