MPs step up fight against governors, Judiciary

26 Feb 2014

MPs have resolved to continue with plans to tame governors and judges despite an early morning meeting between Chief Justice Willy Mutunga and the two Speakers of Parliament.

During informal talks at Parliament Buildings, the legislators resolved not to send lawyers to cases filed by the governors at the High Court so as to avoid making themselves subject to the decision of the court.

Governors have asked High Court to determine whether they should heed the Senate’s summons and another challenging the ouster of Mr Martin Wambora who was impeached by the Embu County Assembly and the Senate before he was granted a stay order by the courts.

The joint Senate and National Assembly meeting, which was presided over by Speakers JustinMuturi (National Assembly) and Ekwee Ethuro (Senate), also resolved to speed up the passing of laws stripping governors of most of their ceremonial roles and capping allocation to counties to 15 per cent of the national Budget.

They however backed down on a proposal to reduce the allocation of funds to the Judiciary, agreeing that the decision lies with the committees and cannot be made collectively.

During the meeting, also called as the 'Speaker’s Kamukunji', members from both Houses criticised the Judiciary over a court order barring nine governors from heeding summons to appear before parliamentary committees to answer questions on how they were spending money in counties.

Another court had stayed the reinstatement of Mr Wambora pending conclusion of a petition he filed after he was kicked out by the Embu MCAs and the Senate.

Some MPs said the National Flag, Emblems and Names (Amendment) Bill and the County Governments (Amendment) Bill would be speeded up in the National Assembly. Both are designed to “tame” governors. The first will legally strip governors of the titles they took up on assuming office, while the second will set up boards to be chaired by senators to guide development in counties.

Under the National Flag, Emblems and Names (Amendment) Bill, the governors will be stripped of the title “Your Excellency”. They will also be placed eighth in the pecking order at public functions and barred from flying the national flag on their official vehicles outside their counties.

Adapted from: Daily Nation