The Crazies and the Wierds on Whatsapp

4 Mar 2014

Crazy people on my Whats App list:

1. Someone on his status "Sleeping" ...for the past 3 days! He's probably dead.

2. Someone never sends anything, then at night once a week/month he says: "Good night"!

3. Someone is sick since the time I added her.

4. Someone steals my status and keeps it at the same time when I do.

5. Someone is "Driving" ...for the past 5 days! I guess he has reached Dubai.

6. Someone sends me back exactly what I sent him. Seems like he wants to play table tennis.

7. Someone still has his status as "Happy New Year!" Guess his time stood still.

8. Someone's status is "Happy" for the past one month. Must be on permanent weed.

9. Someone when I send a broadcast he just puts a smiley face.

10. From the first day their status is, 'Hey there! I'm using Whats App' I know it! That's why you're on my list!

11. Someone writes "urgent calls only", don't get it.. Are u in the police or ambulance?

12. Others say, "can't talk Whatsapp only" dude then throw away ur phone.. Your not using the
phone's primary function.