In letting me be born a Luo- proud and arrogant
In sending me as a Kikuyu; money loving our hobby
In creating me a Kalenjin; warrior like and unreasonable.
Lord you know I didn’t want to be a hot tempered Meru
Or a lazy, gossipy, mind-other-people’s-businesses Swahili
Neither did I offer to be a Kisii; high pitched and argumentative
A Luhyia will not do, for I am not a promiscuous man.
Lord I did not choose to be a Somali, inclined to terrorism
Nor a Hindu, driving a hard bargain unto slavery
I am not content either, in being a juju-loving Kamba
And worst of all, a racist European with a settler for a grandfather.
Lord, all these are labels, hurled at me from every corner
East, West, North, South and social media
That my characteristics come encoded in my tribal DNA
That what I love, hate or become is a direct result of my tribe.
I am told that I cannot eat omena ‘cause I am a Kikuyu
How can you eat things that stare back at you?
How can you eat ciunguyu? – for they resemble tadpoles
Well, I refuse to miss out on these delicacies.
I am told that I cannot eat githeri for lunch
That this yummy-ness is just but an appetiser
Neither coastal pilau- food for children and the sick
Well, I will not deny my palate heavenly pleasures.
So Lord, here is my earnest plea to you
Deliver me from the wicked tongue of the politician
Let them not confuse my mind and my heart
Let me dwell in peace with my neighbours.
So today I make a vow, honest and true to this I swear
Though I am from my tribe, my tribe is not me
I am a Kenyan through and through, the rest but a coincidence
I am a proud Kenyan; code 722.
Source: Mark Muthiora