Aerial survey reveals 192 elephant carcasses in Mara

25 Aug 2014

The World Wide Fund for Nature has raised alarm after they counted a total of 192 elephant carcasses in the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem during an aerial survey.

117 of the carcases, which had their tusks removed, were reported to be on the Kenyan side while 75 are in Tanzania, with Robert Ndetei from the fund saying that 84 per cent of the carcasses were outside the Maasai Mara Game Reserve.

“An aerial report released on Thursday in Arusha has revealed a worrying number of elephant carcasses in the world famous Mara-Serengeti ecosystem,” Ndetei said who also urged both governments to improve their elephant conservation strategies.

Ndetei added that they were working with Kenyan and Tanzanian governments to stop poaching with measures including acquiring anti-poaching equipment and technology, and engaging communities and the private sector in anti-poaching campaigns.

He also said they would carry out elephant censuses and work with communities to reduce human-wildlife conflict.

During the aerial survey, a total of 7,535 elephants and 61,896 buffaloes were counted.