Teachers to strike in third term over salary agreements

27 Aug 2014

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) has called on the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to convene a meeting to conclude on the Collaborative Bargaining Agreements that were agreed on in July last year, following a strike that lasted nearly one month.

The union's Secretary General, Wilson Sossion warned that if TSC failed to convene the CBA within 21 days, they will issue a notice for industrial action which could see teachers go on a strike in the third term of this academic calendar.

Sossioni said the conclusion was reached after the Union met the members of the National Executive Council yesterday.

"We have come up with 37 contentious issues that we want the government to include in the CBA including class sizes, introduction of smart boards and ICT equipment and professional teaching infrastructure in the schools,” said Sossioni who also said they will no longer tolerate slow responses by TSC as its members were languishing in poverty while delivering free services.

"House allowances and commuter allowances tops the list of our demands as teachers are increasingly becoming restless and making inquiries on when TSC will review their salaries," he said.

Teachers threaten nationwide strike in seven days