Chief arrested after he is caught pants down with married woman

10 Sept 2014

A randy chief in Kiambu who was caught pants down with a married woman in his office has been interdicted awaiting disciplinary action.

In a text message on Tuesday, Kiambu Deputy County Commissioner Nobert Komora confirmed that the Kamiti location chief, Samuel Nyiha Ndichu, had been interdicted pending investigations.

"Yes, he was interdicted and is to appear before the county disciplinary board after the conclusion of the ongoing police investigations," he said.

A local leader who sought anonymity praised the move. "We were wondering why it was taking his boss too long to act. This indicates that the government is listening to the concerns of the common Mwananchi," said the leader.

Residents have called for the replacement of the chief, who hails from a location in Ndumberi about 20 kilometres from Kamiti, with someone from the location.

The husband, only identified as Maina, said on the fateful day that he had accompanied his wife to Kahawa West but when they arrived at Kamiti corner she excused herself to see the chief at his office.

The chief had allegedly promised to secure her a job in a supermarket.

Her husband waited for her by Kamiti road but became suspicious when she took too long. He then decided to check on her.

Speaking at the scene on Sabasaba day, said that he found the chief having sex with his wife.

Police from Kiamumbi rescued the chief and whisked him away from the angry husband and agitated residents into a waiting car.

The Star