Jubilee leaders nearly exchange blows at public function

16 Sept 2014

A public spat between Jubilee leaders nearly turned physical after the National Assembly Majority Leader, Aden Duale uttered insulting remarks aimed at the Bomet Governor, Isaac Rutto.

While dismissing the popular call by governor's to increase county funding, Duale told the Bomet Governor ‘hii pesa sio ya mama yako’ (this money does not belong to your mother).

Infuriated by Duale's insult, Governor Rutto arose from his seat while pointing a finger at the parliament majority leader. Rutto was only stopped short of a physical confrontation by Narok Governor Samuel Tunai and Narok County Commissioner Farah Kassim. It also took the intervention of the deputy president's security detail to calm the angered Governor.

The public exchange occurred at the Maasai Mara University in Narok town during celebrations to mark the third Mara Day. Those in attendance included the Deputy President William Ruto and other dignitaries from Kenya and Tanzania.

Addressing the attendees, Deputy President William Ruto apologized for the confrontation and affirmed that Kenyans were peaceful nationals.

He apologized to the dignitaries from Tanzania over the disagreement while also opposing referendum calls and claiming that such a proposition could destabilize the Jubilee administration.

He also told governors to desist from lecturing to the government on devolving government functions and alleged that Jubilee had performed better than the thresholds set in the constitution.

In his speech, Rutto, who is also the chairman of the Governor’s Council, vowed that they will not relent in their clamour to increase county funding for improved development.

“The constitution is clear on equitable distribution of resources," he said.

The Governor and Duale were later seen continuing with what looked like a muffled debate while seated just a few meters from the deputy president.

After the incident, Rutto posted on his Twitter timeline, "Narok today - wananchi were subjected to a concerning level of intolerance, insults and affront to their democratic right by National leaders."