Raila cannot Okoa Kenya, declares SDA preacher

28 Sept 2014

An SDA evangelist has come under criticism for declaring to a congregation in Kisumu that “former PM Raila Odinga cannot Okoa Kenya.”

Church elder Mikaya Omondi reportedly told Mamboleo church that only Jesus, and not Raila Odinga, can “okoa Kenya”.

His sentiments did not however go down well with the congregation and spurred a prolonged period of murmurs in the church.

Omondi was preaching during a service dubbed “spiritual youth day Sabbath”, and reportedly told the youth to refrain from violence and focus on spiritual intervention for dispute resolution.

Pastor Elijah Atito who attended the service defended Omondi.

“The people of Kenya must know that neither Cord nor Jubilee can okoa (save) Kenya. Only Jesus Christ can,” he said.

He advised Kenyans to turn to Christ to overcome their tribulations and said they should find comfort in the National Anthem.