Uhuru's phone records were fabricated, says PEV victims lawyer

16 Sept 2014

Post Election Violence victims' lawyer, Fergal Gaynor has told the ICC that Uhuru's cell phone data submitted at the Hague based court had been fabricated.

The lawyer said that the Kenyan government misled the prosecution on the availability of the records and in some instances provided fake data. He also accused the government of denying access to critical documents in the case, adding that the government had in some instances deliberately withheld documents which appeared to be capable of revealing the truth.

The lawyer also said that if given a chance, he will explain to the trial bench how Uhuru has devoted enormous resources to bring the case to an end. But Uhuru's lawyer Stephen Kay objected to this request.

Gaynor had asked the ICC Judges to warn President Uhuru of possible arrest for obstructing access to Justice.

Meanwhile, a witness who has since recanted his statement at the ICC received Sh1,010,571 from the court before he decided to change his testimony.

The witness, who confessed to recording a false statement against Deputy President William Ruto and journalist Joshua Sang, had reportedly received Sh460,000 from the prosecution between December 2013 and April 2014.

The money was for his accommodation and daily expenses, according to prosecution documents made public by Ruto's lawyer Essa Faal during cross-examination.