RUTO: Resettle Kalenjin IDPs or loose their vote in 2017

24 Feb 2015

Bomet Governor, Isaac Ruto has given the government an ultimatum to resettle Mau forest evictees or risk loosing the Rift Valley voting block in 2017.

Addressing mourners in Narok during the burial of Kalenjin musician, Samuel Sang, the Bomet Governor gave the Uhuruto duo ninety days to resettle the displaced persons.

Ruto observed that Jubilee obtained the bulk of Rift Valley votes with the promise of resettling them within the first 100 days but two years later, the promise had not been met and it was time to hold them to account.

He warned Jubilee to forget Kalenjin votes in 2017 if Mau evictees will not have been resettled at the lapse of his three-month ultimatum.

“The Government cannot go about its business as usual while people languish in camps. Since 2007 the evictees have been given empty promises upon empty promises. Their lives were disrupted and their children have been denied their right to education. This is totally unacceptable,” Ruto said.

Ruto also warned the President and his Deputy against lying to Kenyans that they had resettled all the IDPs yet Kalenjin IDPs were still languishing in camps.

Governor Ruto issued the ultimatum in response to a recent incident where close to 500 Kalenjin IDPs from Mau walked over 250 kilometers to his office, seeking his intervention to have the Jubilee Government resettle them. Many of the petitioners collapsed upon reaching his office.

The Bomet governor was accompanied by a host of Governors, Senators and MPs from the Rift Valley region, most of whom agreed with him on the resettlement outcry.