Kenyans still trust ICC to stop impunity

14 Mar 2015

Majority of Kenyans support the ICC, a new survey released yesterday shows.

The survey was done by Afrobarometer in partnership with University of Nairobi.

The survey says six out of 10 Kenyans said the ICC remains relevant in the fight against impunity.

"Most Kenyans do not support the country's push to withdraw from the court because it is impartial and plays an important role in the fight against impunity," UoN researcher Joshua Kivuva said.

Sixty-one per cent of respondents said prosecution of Kenya leaders by the ICC is an important effort in fighting impunity.

The survey says 56 per cent of Kenyans oppose Parliament proposals to pass laws for Kenya to withdraw from the ICC.

On President Uhuru Kenyatta's decision to honour ICC summons last year, 86 per cent said he made the right decision.

The Star