Rapist baboons intimidating women in Nyeri

9 Mar 2015

Stray monkeys and baboons from Aberdare National Park reportedly harass women sexually before raiding their farms and homes for food.

The animals invade farms in Endarasha area, Kieni West subcounty, Nyeri early in the morning, in troops of not less than 50, said Esther Nyakahote, a farmer.

"A woman was recently assaulted by more than 10 male monkeys. They had opened their mouths roaring and were holding their private parts to intimidate her," Nyakahote said.

"It was only that she screamed and a group of men passing by responded."

Speaking at her farm on Monday, Nyakahote said the baboons and monkeys hurl bricks at them and point at their private parts when they try to chase them.

The Star