OPINION POLL: Uhuru's administration has failed, Kenyans say

11 Apr 2015

Two years have been a trying time for President Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, and according to a recent opinion poll, the duo have not achieved much in their Jubilee manifesto and their campaign pledges just remain empty rhetoric and noise.

Many Kenyans now feel the two are not up to the task of leadership because of their monumental failures, especially on the security and economy fronts since the Jubilee administration took up state power.

According to an opinion poll conducted by KTN asking Kenyans to rate Uhuru and Ruto’s performance in the last two years, majority of Kenyans rated them poorly and only 26% of Kenyans felt Uhuru and Ruto had achieved anything, whereas a whopping 74% of Kenyans said they had failed.

Uhuru and Ruto failed terribly on security which has been marked by runaway crime, terror and corruption in their regime. With the recent one being the massacre of 147 students by Al Shabaab terrorists in Garissa University and production of a doctored list of corrupt officials by the president.

Majority of Kenyans who participated in the poll argued that former Prime Minister Raila Odinga was the right man Kenya needs for President due to his vast experience in governance and ideals.

Besides, they felt if elected President, Raila Odinga would be able to end Al Shabaab attacks in the country which have been Uhuru/ Ruto’s biggest shortfall.