Uhuru's list of shame was a forgery, Anti-corruption chairman reveals

5 Apr 2015

President Kenyatta is on the spotlight again after it emerged that the list of alleged corrupt public officials he took to Parliament was a forgery.

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has since distanced itself from the forged list. This was revealed by the EACC Chairman, Mumo Matemu, when he appeared before the Senate’s Justice and Legal Affairs Committee yesterday.

When asked to confirm or deny whether the report submitted to Parliament was the same one the anti-graft body handed over to the President, Matemu was reluctant to say the truth but he had nowhere to hide and ended up spilling the beans saying the report had been doctored.

Matemu revealed that the list of corrupt officials produced by Uhuru was not the one that the commission gave him. He also stated that some names were missing while others had been added to the list.