Don't talk politics here, Uhuru told

24 Jun 2015

Some legislators from Western have urged President Uhuru Kenyatta to "steer clear of politics when he visits the region" today.

Uhuru and Deputy President William Ruto will tour Mumias Sugar Company and release Sh1 billion to revitalise the debt-ridden miller.

The miller needs Sh5 billion to fully recover.

To finance the Sh1 billion, Sh500 million will come from the sugar levy while the balance will be sourced from teh National Treasury, even though the amount was never budgeted for in the 2015-16 budget delivered two weeks ago.

The tour comes after Nambale MP Sakwa Bunyasi led a delegation of 26 MPs to State House on Monday over the woes Mumias Sugar faces.

Lugari MP Ayub Savula and Kiminini's Chris Wamalwa welcomed the President’s gesture, saying it was long overdue.

Vihiga Senator George Khaniri yesterday said: “The visit should be purely for development purpose and not politics.”

“Pumping money to the cash-strapped Mumias facility is not a favour the Jubilee administration is doing for the locals and the economy of the region. It is incumbent upon the government to ensure the factory is up and running. If they are genuine, they should not over-publicise this tour,” he said.

The Star