#IStandWithMuthama hashtag washes down Kenyan Twitter trends

26 Sept 2015

After Muthama's controversial remarks made at a populous gathering at Uhuru park in Nairobi, supporters of the sentiments and those supporting the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy have come out to strongly give their views on the social networking platform, Twitter.

Here's what they tweeted:

#Istandwithmuthama because he talked for millions like me who are murmuring in silence with cowardice

#IStandWithMuthama @junior_mutula Honestly speaking to say that so n so has a girlfriend whom he is favouring ain't incitement @MutahiNgunyi

#IStandWithMuthama Google search "Uhuru and Waiguru" it all started in 1999. She has been in all offices My President has been since 1999

So somebody wants to say that their is nothing between so and so?! #IStandWithMuthama

Kenya is the only country where truth is considered hate speech, while hate speech is truth #IStandWithMuthama.

#IStandWithMuthama Now that DPP has ordered investigation of CS Waiguru by CID officers i want to see our women stripping naked.

How come no woman MP stripped when that policewoman was sacked via the media? She's fighting her case alone. #IStandWithMuthama

You cant mention Waiguru in the same breath as Raila. In 1989 when Raila was released from Jail, She was in Form Four #IStandWithMuthama

#ISTANDWITHMUTHAMA.when Mugo Wairimu rapes a woman on tv no woman from central kenya attempts to strip but for waheguru they try stripping.

Did you see the faces that were displayed on TV. What double standards. Pharisees and Sadducees. #IStandWithMuthama

Once so called church leaders take sides, then you can confirm the country is spiraling out of control. #IStandWithMuthama

#istandwithmuthama ‏@the_dDiplomat
#istandwithmuthama the problem with #Kenya , we hate the truth..

Jubilee cant run Kenya as a Hotel Menu;designed to allow picking and choosing. What Court Order to follow, Who to arrest #IStandWithMuthama

Public Service Commission is suggesting that sh791 thieves named by Ms Waiguru to be dealt with 'internally'. Cover up! #IStandWithMuthama

My government is deaf and dumb, only until someone stands on a podium and asks hard questions then they go on defensive #IStandWithMuthama

Jubeliee and it supporters is living proof that humans can live without brains #IStandWithMuthama

As you treasure your legalized president, we also treasure the people's president. When u abuse him you hurt millions. #IStandWithMuthama

Being afraid to say the truth coz it touches your tribe will not help our country #IStandWithMuthama

Tutaramba watu Mata$$ hadi lini #iStandWithMuthama and #ArrestWaiguru for theft of taxpayers' money at NYS

Will Hon. Esther Gathogo be investigated for insulting Kamba Women? Because that also is Hate-Speech. #IStandWithMuthama

#IStandWithMuthama, He is always honest & courageous enough to say the truth even if it means stirring the hornet's nest!

#IStandWithmuthama police want muthama to record a statement for what the rally was live to all Kenyans & he spoke the truth

What happened to Panga-wielding Gatundu youths under the "able" leadership of Moses Kuria? #IStandWithMuthama

What Muthama told Kenyans is what i have been thinking about all along #IStandWithMuthama.

What Muthama said is in the public domain. #IStandWithMuthama

Tribe and last name will be the reason why they want to arrest Muthama . What of Kuria and Ngunyi #IStandWithMuthama

#IStandWithMuthama for speaking the truth before 40+ million Kenyans. Truth will set US free

how can #istandwithwaiguru for stealing youth money #istandwithmuthama for tell us the truth behind it. now we know

Ngunyi,Kuria incite against whole communities they ar free.Muthama asks for accountability for 800million taxpayers mney #IStandWithMuthama

Standing with Sen. Muthama is standing with those who hate looters of public till to buy heels. #IstandWithMuthama

1st u say no money was stolen, u investigate urself,then u tell us almost a billion is missing,yet u ar still in office?! #IStandWithMuthama

Standing with Sen. Muthama is to expose the hypocrisy and double standards of those who worry about 'hate-speech'. #IstandwithMuthama

If Uhuru disobeyed the court Order teachers should disobey it too ..no one is above the law #IstandWithMuthama

Corruption disguised I don't Stand with Waiguru #IStandWithMuthama

Refute any corruption come back later accept loss of 800M but still keep your job muthama speaks the truth and #arrest ? #IStandWithMuthama

Kuria incites communities but Nkaissery is silent while muthama speaks the truth and you bay for his blood? #IStandWithMuthama

#Istandwithmuthama a criminal like moses kuria of all people calling for arrest of muthama. #Istandwithwaiguru

Jubilee thinks it can use its court-given powers to intimidate Kenyans when their misdeeds are questioned. Bure kabisa #IStandWithMuthama

Muthama only insulted individuals, kuria, ngunyi and duale are on record insulting communities. ISTANDWITHMUTHAMA

How sweet is Waiguru that Muthama has to be charged for asking her to account for monies she stole at NYS? #IStandWithMuthama #ArrestWaiguru