Its only in kenya where:
1. A Luo uses heavy vocabulary utadhani alimeza dictionary!
2. A Kalenjin run very fast utadhani alikunywa aviation fuel.
3. A Kisii talks so fast you may think alimeza MIXER ama MP3.
4. A Maasai ana ufala sana utadhani mitochondria ndio iko kwa akili.
5. A Luhya eats too much utadhani they are ruminants.
6. A Kikuyu adores money so much utadhani inaponya HIV.
Nothing personal, if you take funny kenyans too serious, you gonna drop into hell!
- Stupid questions, well answered
- Characteristics of a slay king
- Only a Kenyan Kikuyu will say this
- Bar owners in protest over alcohol tests
- Governor says arrest is part of plot by government to take over Lamu
- Police come under fire for murdering 14 year old girl in cold blood
- Lecturers to strike next Wednesday over Sh 3.9 b pay
- Jicho Pevu's Mohamed Ali's open letter to Uhuru Kenyatta
- New generation has to come up to continue with democratic struggle
- County rep in trouble for Uhuru bhang slur