Open letter to Lupita Nyong'o from Kendu Bay

9 Mar 2014

Dear Alupi,

Lupitaa? Lupita yoo? Lupitaa I have called you how many times? Three donge? The first one i hav called you with my samsung S2 second one with my S3 and third one with my samsung angowa? S4.

Apiti yoo, how can a whole me uncle to the mother of the enemy and long distance neighbour of Professor Nyong'o use an Austrolopithecus afarensis of technology like S4 when my cousins and relatives of Oscars and Grammy awards use Samsung S5? E.g James Jabondo (James Bond) mosenindo Paulo Awoki (Paul Walker) mane otho gi gopa Van Odamo (Van Dame) mano ja bouncer ei matanga disco kandiege kae. Aroko wuod Seme (The Rock) Vincent wuod Selina (Vin Diesel) Eddy margi Phiona (Eddie murphy) Winfrida Opar (Oprah Winfrey]) gi Sylvesta Otieno (Sylvester Stallone) all of them use Samsung S5. It's only me stuck with this dinosaur S4.

Alupi yoo congratulations to ero oorna Western Union pesa moro mondo ater go wuoda somo embalariany Mawego Technical Insitute odhi osom medicine.

By the way take these ODM delegates of Kasarani to go and act in hollywood. Omera these people throw kicks buana. Iyo watu apana macheso.

Yours cinematically,

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