Additional Sh3.5 billion claimed by Anglo leasing companies

22 May 2014

PICTURED: National Treasury Principal Secretary Kamau Thugge (R) and Deputy Solicitor General Muthoni Kimani (L) during the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) hearing on Anglo-Leasing contracts at Parliament Buildings on May 21.

The government has disclosed that the owner of two Anglo-Leasing companies has made claims for payment of an additional Sh3.5 billion barely three days after 1.4 billion shillings were paid to them.

Treasury Principal Secretary Kamau Thugge and deputy Solicitor General Muthoni Kimani said Thursday that the owner of the companies, Anura Perrera, had submitted the claim over a pending contract for National Intelligence Service (NIS) project.

The two were speaking before the Public Accounts Committee of the National Assembly.

Perrera owns First Mercantile and Universal Satspace, two firms which the government paid Sh1.4 billion on Monday, according to Dr Thugge.