Nishike by Sauti Sol is a musical fail

6 May 2014

Sauti Sol, the Kenyan music dudes have in the past released a number of beautiful rhymes. The kind of rhymes that make you feel like you get carried along with them.

Most of the time, you can't help but to just sing along. One such song is Gentleman.

When the buzz hit me that they had released a new video, I quickly hit the web and youtubed it. I watched and listened. I got disappointed after a few rolls though.

I have reason to believe Sauti Sol have reached their peak and are dropping off. I say this after observing the performance of their recent song, Nishike.

The song is the kind that I may say lacks a catchy tune. It's not a song that many people would actually love to listen to repeatedly. I'm not good with euphemism but I can boldly say the song is plain boring even from a mile off. It's overly repetitive and it's like they ran short of not just words but beats. It's also like they are beginning to loose their singing voices.

I think Sauti Sol may have smelled out this failure of the song, Nishike. So they decided to act a porn movie to go along with it. This porn movie dubbed "Nishike Video", I suppose, was strategically set to generate unnecessary hype for a poorly presented song.

They claim the video is doing well on YouTube. Yeah, that's true. But the viewers are watching the porn, not listening to the crap. I bet they even have their speakers muted.

Using porn to gain hype for a failed song is what I can call, desperate.