Church leaders call for national prayers at Kasarani

22 Jun 2014

Church leaders from different denominations have called upon Kenyans to attend a prayer service on July 4 2014 at the Kasarani Stadium to pray for the current state of insecurity in the nation.

Chairman of the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya, Bishop Mark Kariuki said they wanted to pray for peace in the country in order to evade a possible recurrence of the 2007 post-election violence.

While announcing the prayer calls, Bishop David Oginde of Christ is the answer ministries condemned the Mpeketoni attacks and called for cessation of hostilities among communities involved. This was after President Uhuru Kenyatta alleged that the attacks had not been conducted by terrorists.

The church leaders also expressed concerns that outsiders who could be interested in the newly discovered minerals and oil in the country may be waging war as had been witnessed in other African countries like the Democratic Republic of Congo.

They asked leaders to set aside their differences and work for the common good of moving Kenya as a country forward.