After massive success at assassinating Prof George Saitoti and sweeping investigations under the rag, the drug barons, mafia, thieves of public resources and the like were only left with one task, installing a regime they owned. One that would not question them. They sought a compromise, and found suitable fellow suspects to be their charges.
In the past election, Kenyans were forced to accept an electoral process that was openly and arrogantly flawed. With the elections came a crop of incapable leaders whose main agenda was to save their necks from criminal charges against them at an international court of justice.
For the first time, international suspects were imposed upon the sovereign people of the Republic of Kenya. With guns blazing and chest thumping, even in court, corrupt cartels and mafia hijacked the people's right and installed the Jubilee to maim Kenyans, rob them and serve the corrupt wishes of the high and mighty. A duty Jubilee has definitely lived up to. To the letter!
These murderous sects had success at armtwisting and threatening such independent bodies as the electoral commission and the judiciary into submission thereby effectively sealing the fate of the nation. An inept pack of hypocrites were forced upon us and we were told to accept and move on. Sadly, they are only dragging us back however much we try to move on.
All Kenyans wail, suffer and die irrespective of their political affiliations or ethnicity all due to a defunct government.
On insecurity. The head of the Interior Ministry, Ole Lenku, makes an even better political analyst than Jubilee's chief propagandist, Mr Ngunyi.
Whenever there is a case of security lapse, the minister just makes dimwit statements blaming the opposition and everyone else but the crippled security organs. Even an obvious act of terror against residents of Mpeketoni was blamed squarely on the opposition and Raila Odinga without as much as an insinuation on terrorist involvement.
The ridiculous cabinet secretary has been on record in the past for making strange and outright stupid comments on serious issues regarding security lapses such as the past attack on Westgate Shopping Mall.
This leaves me wondering if Ole Lenku can even qualified to run the security docket. Why hasn't he been fired yet? Or is President Kenyatta waiting for the entire country to burn before debuting such into full fledged political activity?
Mpeketoni attack aside. Kenya has suffered plenty of attacks that literally involved someone dropping an IED and fleeing. Al Shabaab never claimed responsibility for these attacks in which significant numbers of lives were lost. Very unlike Al Shabaab, right? Now listen. These attacks clearly appear to have been engineered to veil other issues such as the controversial payment of Anglo leasing billions and attempts to withdraw charges against the ICC suspects. I could as well theorize that Jubilee designed the attacks to divert the attention of Kenyans as they engaged in not so holy activities.
The aftermath of the explosions were indiscriminate rounding up of members of the Somali community and putting them in concentration camps where there was no regard whatsoever for human rights. The methodology used to round up Somalis is a replication of the Nazi's operations in the dark history of the World.
Many Somalis were summarily deported with others leaving behind their poor children unable to fend for themselves. Others were forced into refugee camps. Somali women in hijabs were handled with disrespect by the government security forces.
As Somali business men and women get thrown out, their places are quickly being filled up by business people from communities perceived supportive of Jubilee.
After watching such inhumane activities by our security forces to Eastleigh residents, I can't bring myself to imagine how much rape and war crimes Kenyan soldiers are committing in up north in Somalia. I find it justifiable that KDF be withdrawn to defend Kenya from within. I even find the Al Shabaab attacks on Kenyan soil justified. We don't know how many innocent lives have been lost in Somali land, thanks to KDF.
Since Jubilee ascended to power, we've had more attacks than there have ever been in all the years since independence combined.
What we have is a government hell bent on muzzling the opposition but which does not give a hoot about it's citizens.
They have an entire brigade of Nazi style propagandists, the Kurias of this nation contemptuosly call members of the Kikuyu ethnic community to arms against other tribes and no one says as much as a word. They hurl insults at respectable Kenyans without much as rationality.
The cost of living is becoming unbearable by the day and many families are just lucky to have a meal a day. Many others are dying of starvation even as Uhuru Kenyatta prefers to sponsor people to watch the World Cup.
What double standards!
Here is a pack of politicians claiming to be busy serving Kenyans when all they are engaged in is populist politics.
Kenya as it stands, I don't see much hope for unity. Not with this Jubilee of a regime whose intent is to perpetuate tribalism and corruption.
Jubilee is determined to drag Kenya back into ethnic violence for reasons best known to them. And we are going to stand together as one nation against Jubilee's propaganda.
This nation and all that's in it belongs to Kenyans, not those who conducted the Democratic coup in 2013. This nation does not belong to those who wish to burn it down, Jubilee included.
Jubilee may subdue us and rob us of our homes, meal, jobs and families but we'll sure give them hell before they succeed.