Raila accuses Jubilee of using taxpayers money for campaigns

21 Aug 2014

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has said that suspicious transfer of taxpayers money from Office of the President's accounts could amount to Sh15 billion.

This is after Auditor General Edward Ouko reported doubtful transactions amounting to Sh8.4 billion in his audit report covering the 2012/2013 financial year.

The report also questioned the withdrawal of another Sh2 billion which was not accounted for.

“During the year under review, the ministry transferred a total amount of Sh8.3 billion to Kenya Police Service through contra-entries on cash book and Ministry headquarters recurrent bank account amounting to Sh1.4 billion and Sh6.9 billion respectively,” the report states.

Raila said that the money was wired to private accounts during the 2013 transition period, indicating that President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto used public cash to fund their campaigns.

"This is theft of the highest order. We always suspected that the Jubilee coalition looted public coffers to fund its campaigns during the last general elections. Our fears have now been confirmed," said Raila during a ODM press conference at his Capitol Hill office.

“Focus should not be on the small people. The buck stops with the President,” he added.

Raila also said that the dubious deals were sealed during the tenure of former Finance Minister Njeru Githae who has now been rewarded with an ambassadorial position to the US.

“This is the clearest indication that Uhuru and Ruto do not have the moral authority to accuse Governors of misappropriation of funds,” he said.

Raila called for further independent audits during the transition period, saying that the architects or corruption had to be held responsible.

On Tuesday MPs called for the Defence Principal Secretary Mutea Iringo to be held accountable for the suspicious transfers.

MPs, mainly from ODM, led by Junet Mohammed (Suna East), John Mbadi (Suba) and Gladys Wanga (Homa Bay County) have demanded that the government accounts for pilferage of funds at the Office of the President.