NgiluSinghJokes - Kenyan trends rock! Part 2

23 Jan 2015

  • Qstn : Name 1 method of keeping Milking cows. Ans: ZeroGra-Singh.
  • has been declared...!!! #NgiluSinghJokes " someone pass me the magasingh.. y'all gone b dead.

  • My Night has been made by this harshtag #NgiluSinghJokes Sai ni time ya kudos wacha niende MisSingh....

  • Langata land was just the start the next one will be the i-singh on the cake #NgiluSinghJokes

  • It's all fun and games till some of you start going miSIGNH for contributing on this TT #NgiluSinghJokes

  • Heh.. this Land grab thing is just embarra-singh...

  • GoK's Public Relations machinery is having PResSINGH issues ...

  • Willing Buyer...Willing Singh-er...

  • Qstn: How do you say you feel sleepy in swahili? Ans: Naskia uSINGHizi

  • Charity Ngilu's Twitter handle:

  • Check out part one for more Singhs and stuff!