How to know a true Kenyan

2 Feb 2015

  • When making a call their finger is always on the end button, ready 2 disconnect the call.
  • They always check their airtime balance after making a call.
  • After cooking they put used cooking oil back in the bottle or cup for future use.
  • Empty coffee tins are used for storing sugar and salt.
  • When they boil milk they add water to increase its volume.
  • Empty Dasani bottles are used for storing water in the refrigerator.
  • No matter how cheap something is they always ask for the price to be reduced, and always bargain.
  • If the bus driver forgets to collect the bus fare they will also keep silent about it until they get off.
  • When they buy bottled water they wont discard the empty water bottle, they will just refill it with tap water.