How to strengthen your relationships and make them better

21 Feb 2015

1. Don’t keep secrets from each other. COMMUNICATE about everything and anything

2. Argue less. Cuddle more.

3. Don’t get deep in debt and if you’re already there, work together to get out of it!

4. Pray together and make FAITH a foundation for your life together.

5. Turn off your phones. Talking with each other is better than texting with someone else!

6. Leave LOVE NOTES for each other.

7. Send flowers on unexpected days, not just holidays.

8. Don’t ignore problems in your relationship. Deal with them quickly.

9. Be quick to remember each others positive traits and quick to forget each others flaws.

10. Don’t hold grudges. Forgive and seek FORGIVENESS when you’ve wronged each other.

11. Don’t waste time or energy comparing your lives to anyone else. You are a different masterpiece.

12. Go on long walks and HOLD HANDS.

13. Make “DATE NIGHT” a priority! Time alone together is vital for your continued growth and health.

14. Give COMPLIMENTS constantly, and never give insults.

15. When you’re happy, laugh together. When you’re sad, cry together. Whatever you do, do it together!

16. Show LOVE and RESPECT to each other even in those moments when you don’t feel like it.

17. Keep dreaming new dreams and making big plans together. Don’t get stuck in a predictable rut.

18. ENCOURAGE each other. Build each other up so much that nothing in the world can tear you down.

19. NEVER give up on each other!