Woman kills three children, eats her 10-day old son's heart and drinks his blood

19 Feb 2015

A woman allegedly strangled three children to death, including her 10-day old son, and ate his heart in Korogocho slums on Tuesday.

Police and neighbours said Catherine Muthoni, 20, killed her neighbour's sons aged between four and 14 days as their mother watched.

They said she also drank her son's blood. Muthoni was arrested after a mob tried to lynch her following the incident and was charged with murder before Makadara resident magistrate Linda Kosgei on Wednesday. She did not however plead to the charges.

Her motive has not been established but some witnesses said her husband is in a cultist church. They said through him, she was forced to kill the children as sacrifices.

The investigating officer asked the court to remand Muthoni for 10 more days pending investigations. Kosgei however ordered that she be taken to Kenyatta National Hospital for an examination before investigations begin.

The case will be mentioned on February 23 when a report on her health will be submitted.

The Star