Nairobi Governor Dr Evans Kidero on Tuesday ordered the closure of a Chinese restaurant that does not allow African in their premises after 5pm. The Nairobi Governor also said the restaurant will remain closed until the owners complied with all regulations set for the industry.
"Chinese restaurant owners failure to comply has got nothing to do with the friendship and diplomatic relationship Kenya enjoys with the great Country of China and the Chinese government," he said in a post on his Facebook page adding that the restaurant had not complied with the public health requirements for handling food and beverages.
He also said the restaurant owners had no valid liquor license.
The restaurant premises, he said, had not been changed from residential to commercial as required by business regulations in the city. He urged business owners to treat customers and clients fairly irrespective of race, tribe, religious affiliations, sex or colour.
Previously on Monday, Zhang Yang, the owner of the restaurant, which is located at the junction of Galana and Lenana roads in Kilimani was arrested for operating the business without a valid license. He was ordered to appear at the Milimani Law Courts on Thursday or pay a fine of Sh50,000.