Mourners dump coffin at police station protesting man's murder

26 Mar 2015

PHOTO: The Star

Hundreds of mourners in Mukurweini on Thursday dumped the body of a man allegedly shot by police at  the Mukurweini police station.

The mourners are reported to have left Kingori Kanyi's coffin at the police station after marching around Nyeri town with it.

Waving twigs and placards, the mourners demanded that police take the body to the 33-year-old's home for burial since they are ones who killed him.

The funeral ceremony was delayed as officers at the station were made to call for help.

Area Member of County Assembly Gicheru Chege, who led the mourners, decried the alleged arbitrary murder of Kanyi by police and described the killing which occurred three weeks ago as extrajudicial.

Kanyi, who was a mason, is survived by two children.

Police allegedly kill Nyeri mason in family farm