Parliamentary committee plans to summon Raila over Ababu tape

11 Mar 2015

Parliament's Powers and Privileges Committee plans to summon Cord leader Raila Odinga to shed light on alleged corruption allegations facing Public Accounts Committee chairman Ababu Namwamba.

Multiple sources told the Star yesterday that the committee was preparing to send summonses to Raila after it emerged that Ababu had secretly taped a private conversation with his ODM party leader in which an MP admitted receiving cash to influence a PAC report.

"We have asked Speaker Justin Muturi and the Clerk of the National Assembly to approve the summoning of Raila because we believe he will be useful to our committee," said a PAC member yesterday.

Raila and fellow Cord principals Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetang’ula met Ababu yesterday to discuss the issue.

It is understood that Ababu apologised for surreptitiously taping Raila, insisting that the intention was not to embarrass the opposition leader but to expose MPs who were accusing him yet they themselves had been bribed.

The Star