I can only love you as the human that I am

19 Apr 2015


All I am saying is
I cannot give you stars and moons,
They are not apples or mangoes that I can just pluck from the trees,
Even if I do, what would you do with them?
Hang them in your bedroom?
I do not know what good that would do.
But, I can make you coffee at 3 a.m. if you want,
And watch those awful soaps with you that you so much love.

All I am saying is
I can’t kiss you all the time,
Besides loving you, I care about you too,
I do not want your lips swollen that you can’t even eat or drink,
It would be awkward for others too if I keep kissing you in public,
I am especially concerned about the kids who see us doing it,
I just want them not to be grossed out with the whole concept of kissing.

All I am saying is
I won’t cover your path with flowers,
You have to agree that they are pretty expensive,
And, I feel you have a big heart,
You won’t want millions of flowers sacrificed,
So you could crush them under your feet,
You would rather want them stick to their plants, right?

But, I will walk beside you through everything,
And sometimes, I will scoop you into my arms,
That would be pretty dramatic,
I can already imagine that.

All I am saying is
I can’t stare at you all night while you are asleep,
Don’t you think that would make me a real creep?
You open your eyes at 1 a.m...
Here I am, scanning your face right above your head,
I am sure you’d leave me very next day,
So, I would sleep by your side every night,
And you could place your head on my arm
Just remember, it’s really a romantic position,
But after a while, arm gets numb.

All I am saying is,
I can’t love you like those people from movies or books,
Because I am not an actor with a script,
I am also not a creation of a writer’s mind,
But, I can love you just like a human do in the best possible way.